Saturday, February 04, 2006

War On Infidels or Much Ado about nothing

They try imposing their will
As they maim and kill
The jihad on infidels waged
The world watched mutely
Like animals sedated and caged

Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's leading daily published 12 caricatures of Prophet Mohammed and this raised a furore in the whole world. The OIC lodged a formal complaint against Denmark with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Then the next thing you see is the world is scared. Shit scared. They are expecting Osama to send another one of his videotapes, which he truly believes will put the fear of God into the hearts of the unbelievers. Then there will be retribution all over Europe. The offices of the newspapers which sided with Jyllands Posten will be bombed. In fact on Feb 3, a fatwa was pronounced against Danish soldiers stationed in Iraq and the Jyllands-Posten offices in Arhus and Copenhagen had to be evacuated after a bomb threat.

The solution? Build a large mosque in Copenhagen, with prominent minarets as peace offerings. And who will fund it? The news papers and the public of course. Wow! Thats a really smart idea. This way they could themselves get something published, threaten, people and governments and get more mosques built. For the "fastest growing" religion on earth, its a brilliant agenda!

The full dope over here.
This is Tavleen Singh's take on it.
And this is another POV.

Orthodox religious leaders are some of the most stupid animals to inhabit this planet, EVER. They never question past follies, never ask why rules were made the way they were, nor ever try to change. They are the branch in the evolutionary chain that never grew! Amazingly Darwin's laws seem to break down for them.

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