Saturday, July 22, 2006

Floyd's different music

Floyd Landis wins the Tour De France.
Would have been unremarkable at the start of the tour. But after the 16th?
Lance won it after being cured of his cancer. Floyd won it with a rapidly degenerating hip. On the 16th stage he crashed from 1st to 11th place, a stunning 8 minutes, 8 seconds behind the leader.
And this is what people said
And then he crafted a miracle on the 17th. The same author had no words to describe it.
Some statistics here.
And a behind the scenes view here.
With a third place on the 19th, he took the yellow back.


Or so I thought. But apparently I was proved wrong. Sport today isn't all about winning. Its about stretching the limit. Legally and illegally. Now the burden of proof is on the accused. And it has taught me not to jump to conclusions, as far as sport is concerned.


The Prolific Dyslexic said...

maybe he was a cheat ... but i took things at face value :)

Siddhesh said...

With or without drugs, winning the Tour de France is still an achievement few can lay claim to, and I admire Lance (and Landis) for that...

However, in today's cut-throat world of competitive sports - whether it is the Tour de France, or the F1, or athletics and swimming - where one hundredth of a second makes a difference - where wearing a swimming suit of a different material, or tires with a specific compound, or shoes with a specific sole can make or break the race for you - I wonder whether this is sport for men, or sport for technology!