Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Term 4 is here ... and I am back.

Some posts in a long time.

Class A

Its apparently a beautiful morning
Whose beauty is lost on me
Instead of sleeping it out
This lecture I've come to see

Pickled brains and confused minds
They present ideas so crazy
They make you pull out your hair
For most its all too hazy

Having borne the torture
All through the night
I try hard not to listen
To stay awake, I put up a fight

I've missed some good matches
On twerps having spent my time
To throttle them for their deeds
My mind, it turns to crime

But finally realisation dawns
The halo of light shines on me
The path to eternal wisdom
Is just to be

Class B

'Twas early morning
When we came to class
To have a peek at investments
Through the looking glass

A roller coaster ride
Along the yield curve
There was oncoming traffic
And I had to swerve

There were bonds coming my way
And some capital gains
There were coupons in the baggage too
I faced learning pains

My sleepy brain is drugged with caffeine
Trying to make sense of the mess
And as I looked on
The interest rate became less

Those shapely curves yet
I must learn to admire
Bonds they say are risky
My fate seems dire

Music for my mood: "Somewhere over the rainbow"
I just feel like going to some dreamland.

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